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Pertamina Mandalika MotoGP 2022

Pertamina Mandalika MotoGP 2022

13 October 2023 09:00 Remaining time : Days : "
Kuta, Pujut, Kabupaten Lombok Tengah, Nusa Tenggara Bar. 83573
INFORMATION : 081803613179 / Trisna Lombok Transport

Dorna Sports as the organizer of MotoGP has released the 2022 racing calendar, where the Mandalika Circuit, Indonesia, is one of the organizing tracks.

The MotoGP 2022 racing calendar will consist of 21 series, which is the highest number of races in Grand Prix history since 1949.

As Dorna Sports announced last October, MotoGP 2022 will start in Qatar on March 4-6, and conclude in Valencia, Spain, on November 4-6.

There will be two new circuits that will hold MotoGP this season, namely the Mandalika Circuit, Indonesia, which is scheduled to be the second series on March 18-20.

Then the KymiRing Circuit, Finland, which was originally scheduled to host in 2020 but has been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Quote : Bola.com

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